Friday, December 19, 2008


I was watching TV today and a commercial for the next barbie movie.You know the the ones I mean:They dance,blow bubbles and unicorns have wings and the birds sing,true love and the PINK!Oh I kill myself with all the pink! anyway...I noticed that said such a evil toy is very popular.Now due to my obsession with Doctor Who I have come to believe that barbie are really Cybermen in disguise.And they hypnotise people in to buying them so they can take over the world!!!!!
*Thunder Booms*
Yep, were prity much doom til the Doctor comes or I'll have to save us and that would be bad.
*Mutters to self*
Then I'll be in charge of TWO wars.Hum?


  1. Fnick, that is SO true. The pink is like, death to all who see it. And you forgot sparkles and how Barbie's hair is like, always in one whole piece instead of indivual strands.


  2. so incredibly possible! *gasp* and I had like half a dozen barbies! probably still do dunno where they are tho lol... and Gaandalf you know how I feel about pink! I LOVE PINK! =p
    *hugglz* Cruz

  3. Cruz, you remind me of me. Really weird. And I have a badgillion and one barbie dolls upstairs. And Fnick, check your email!

  4. *screams* barbie is gonna kill all of us! her pinkness shall drive us all to insanity!!

    oh, wait. we're all insane already. that mean we're safe? we must defend the sane people left in this world who are still in danger of barbie's evil powers. *dons superhero outfit and starts running around throwing barbie dolls against the walls*

    yes, this is a random comment but it's about twelve-thirty at night and i feel VERY random.

  5. yes! I can say weird... WEIRD! lol ...and Beth! *gasp* I KNEW IT! I knew you were a super hero! that explains so much...

  6. yeah, i'm a superhero, but i haven't been able to come up with a cool name for my alter ego. any suggestions?


  7. HAHAHAHa...What your sereis?Oh.
    And Merry Christmas is a...werid superhero

  8. lol I don't think Beth meant "Merry X-mas" was her name, she was just saying Merry X-mas...

    and don't ask my advice on names, I'm horrible at names, I have a pet finch named Potato! lol actually I'm serious, and I never told anyone but I have a whole back story for him too, he flew in from Mexico and left his family (parents and 2 sisters) cuz of personal drama, you don't want to know, and I call him PAPAS because that's spanish for Potato lol ok now you people are going to think I'm crazy lol =D


  9. It's okay, Cruz, we're all crazy. We LOVE crazy people! :)

  10. lol I feel so validated in my crazyness!! lol... hey Gandalf, who's Christian person co-author?

  11. so are we ever going to meet Christian person? or did we scare him away with our comments? lol

  12. I left you a message at your other blog, I didn't know which one you would check

    *hugs to Gandalf and Beth*
